Department of Foreign Students

General information:

  • In 1993, the first foreign student came to BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov.
  • In 1994, department of foreign students was established. In 2007 the department was renamed: Center for International Education and Cooperation.
  • At the beginning of 2012, the Department of Foreign Students was established at the Center of international education and cooperation. Currently, the department has 4 staff members.

Areas of activity of the Department of Foreign Students:

  • Registration of official invitations, monitoring of passport and visa control of foreign students and the completion of students’ personal file;
  • Control over the foreign students’ residence in the hostel and the settlement of conflict situations and disputes, hostel accommodation;
  • Coordination of the university structural units’ work, providing the process of education and residence of foreign students (hostel department, security department, institutes, deans office, other departments, etc.);
  • Control and assistance in the educational process (attendance, academic achievement, extra classes);
  • Student mentoring activities and providing any necessary assistance during the entire period of study at the BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov (assistance to students in unforeseen circumstances, such as illness, problems during the educational process, etc., communication with parents and informing them on the request for progress and behavior of the student, invitations for parents to enter Russia in order to visit students and other);
  • Interaction with the Community of foreign students on issues related to education, living conditions and safety of foreign students;
  • Organization of leisure time for foreign students;
  • Solving psychological problems;
  • Issues of medical support and examination of foreign students;
  • Representing and protecting the interests of foreign students in official bodies;
  • Familiarization of foreign students with the culture and traditions of the peoples of the Russian Federation (excursion trips to the cities of the Belgorod region, to St. Petersburg, Moscow, Volgograd, Voronezh, visiting museums, etc.).

Recent years, BSTU occupies a worthy place in the international market of educational services and is gaining high prestige among foreign students. Particularly the overall success in the African continent, the countries of the East and Asia, where the international students boom is sustainable.


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