Migration rules

Basic rules of foreign citizen’s residence in the territory of the Russian Federation 

1. Foreign citizens having arrived to the Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov (BSTU) for studies must be registered at the Migration Department of the Belgorod Regional Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Upon arrival to Belgorod an international student should come to the Center for International Education and Cooperation (44, Kostyukov Str., Dormitory № 1, Office № 3) strictly within 3 days and submit the following documents: copies of their national passport, visa and migration card stamped by Border Control.

2. In case of leaving Belgorod (on holidays or for any other reason during the academic year), students should inform the Center for International Education and Cooperation about it. On arrival to Belgorod it is necessary  to come to the Center for International Education and Cooperation for a new migration registration or checking the necessity of a new migration registration. Migration registration is obligatory each time when the Russian border is crossed, when getting a new migration card and staying in hotels, hostels, recreation centers, health resorts and hospitals.

3. Foreign citizens have to submit to the Center for International Education and Cooperation all the documents required not later than 40 days before visa expiry date.

4. In case the place of residence in the territory of Belgorod (Belgorod region) is changed foreign citizen has to present to the Center for International Education and Cooperation the information about his/her new place of residence within two working days in order to renew a migration registration.

5. In case the national documents are lost foreign citizens have to inform immediately the nearest police station to the place of the loss or to the place of noticing the loss to obtain the certificate confirming the loss and inform the Center for International Education and Cooperation about an accident.

6. After expulsion from the university a foreign citizen must leave the territory of the Russian Federation in accordance with the deadlines set by the Russan Law by purchasing tickets in advance and applying for a transit visa.

7. Foreign citizens studying at the Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov are permitted to work only during vacation or at vacant hours. All other labor activities for foreign citizens during the period of study are strictly forbidden.

8. Foreign students who have committed crimes, administrative or other violations in the territory of the Russian Federation are subject to the same laws as the Russian Federation residents.

9. Any violation of the present rules is subject to the following measures: a fine, an administration expulsion, and deportation in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Applying for a multiple visa 

Not less than 40 days before the visa expiry date foreign citizens should submit to the migration specialist at the Center for International Education and Cooperation (CIEC) the following documents for the visa extention:

  • passport + 2 copies;
  • migration card + 2 copies;
  • copy of the current visa + 2 copies ;
  • a detachable part of the notification of registration + 2 copies;
  • 2 photos (3х4);
  • 1 copy of the contract for education (for students on a self-payment basis);
  • visa extension fee (1600 Rub) payment receipt (see below for details).

The visa extension fee can be paid at any office of Sberbank by payment to the following account (you can make a photo of it or take the receipt at the CIEC): DOWNLOAD.

















платежа УФК по Белгородской области (УМВД России по Белгородской области)
ИНН  3123021870р/сч.№40101810300000010002
(ИНН получателя платежа )                              (номер счета получателя платежа0

                                 (наименование банка получателя платежа)

БИК 041403001                      ОКТМО 14701000

КБК       18810806000010011110                              КПП 312301001

Наименование  платежа   госпошлина за выдачу многократной визы ___________

Плательщик  ____________________________________________________________
                                                (фамилия, имя, отчество)

Адрес плательщика ________________________________________________________

ИНН плательщика____________________ № лицевого счета____________________

дата «______» ______________ 20____г.    сумма платежа_____1600___руб. _____коп.подпись_____________________  сумма платы за услуги___________руб.______коп.

                                                                                           итого__________руб. ______коп.



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