Consul of the Syrian Arab Republic in Russia, Mr. Firas Darwish visited the Belgorod region's flagship university - BSTU, where he met with the rector Sergey Glagolev and had a meeting with students from Syria, who are studying at the university.


The famous scientist in the field of gypsum binders, Professor of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar (Germany) Hans-Bertram Fischer visited the regional flagship university.

Professor Fischer met with the staff of the material science and construction department. During the meeting, he stressed that the department is the leading in the field of building materials science not only in Russia, but also in the EU countries.

The representative of the Angolan Republic met with the vice-rector for international affairs, doctor of technical sciences, professor Ruslan Lesovik. The parties discussed the urgent issues related to the education process of Angolan students.

Rector of the regional flagship university, Professor Sergey Glagolev held a meeting with the delegation of the BEIJING DHH LAW FIRM (China).

The meeting was also attended by the vice-rector for scientific work, Professor Evgeny Evtushenko, President of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov, Professor Anatoly Gridchin.


Representatives of the Association of Arab Universities visited the flagship university on an official visit. The delegation includes Secretary - General of the Association Professor Sultan T. Abu-Arabi and Director of Public Relations Waheeb Karajah.

Guests from the Middle East participated in an open meeting of the Rectors Council of the Belgorod Region «Interaction with Universities of the Middle East Region». Colleagues from higher educational institutions of the Chernozem region were also invited to the council.


Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Serbia to the Russian Federation, Academician, Doctor Slavenko Terzic, and First Counselor Ms. Ivanka Stamenkovich visited the regional flagship university in the framework of the annual festival «Serbian Days in Chernozemye 2018», which was held since 1 to 4 June 2018.

The question of the double citizenship of employees and exchange students was a special issue in the discussions.

Guests’ presentations on the mutual cooperation to establish friendly relations between our countries were also made.


An official delegation from Herne (Germany) - the sister city of Belgorod visited flagship university of the Belgorod Region – BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov on 24 June.

The delegation led by the Mayor of the city of Herne, Dr. Frank Duda, included representatives of the city administration and large enterprises.


On the 18th of September, an international plein-air on painting "Golden Autumn in Belgorod region" was launched on the territory of the flagship University of the Region with the participation of famous artists and teachers of fine arts from Egypt, Palestine, Morocco and Syria. Masterclasses will be held on the territory of the University as part of the open air for students of the "Technologist" and Belgorod schoolchildren.


On the 16th of October the signing of the united memorandum, which implies a fruitful cooperation between universities in Russia and Morocco, was held within the framework of the Forum. The memorandum includes further productive work between universities, the introduction of international student exchange programs, joint scientific research in the field of architecture, engineering, medicine, construction, agriculture and research in other areas.

A delegation from the twin city of Belgorod - Niš (Republic of Serbia) made an official visit to the flagship university on October 5. The meeting of representatives from Serbia with the university administration and the staff of the Serbian resource center took place at the hall of the academic council. During the working meeting with the participation of Vice-Rector for Cultural, Educational and Social Work Irina Avilova, they discussed prospects for further development of relations and cooperation, possible joint activities. The parties are aimed at preserving culture and developing relations between countries.

The Chancellor of RANA University (Kabul, Afghanistan) Dr. Shafi Ullah Naimi visited Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov with an official visit. Also Vice-Rector for International Affairs Ruslan Lesovik hosted a delegation from China, Hulunbuir Institute, composed of Vice-Rector for International Affairs Mr. Wang Shuen and Dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering Ms. Piao Hongmei. The parties discussed the issue of academic mobility of students and lecturers. Also they signed a memorandum of intent.


On the 8th of November delegation of Shandong University of Public Administration (China) visited the flagship university with a working visit. The meeting was initiated by the Chinese side. Representatives of the leadership of the Chinese University, headed by First Secretary Mr. Feng Qinlu, met with the rector, Professor Sergey Glagolev. The parties signed a memorandum of intent between two universities. The document provides for cooperation in all areas of scientific, industrial, educational and cultural activities of mutual interest.

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